Checkers VS - Compete with the other team in a game of checkers! Chess VS - Compete with the other team in a game of chess! Prestige Power! - Show off your skills by amassing prestige! Material Hunt - Collect the most materials and deposit them into your guild’s treasury! Gold Rush! - Collect the most crowns and deposit them into your guild’s treasury! The in-game part consists of several in-game events:

The forum event will accept entries from January 1st 2017 until January 23rd 2017 at 11:59PM PST. If you’re running low on creative juices to get you started, this forum thread will have a few ideas to get you started. The forum part consists of three categories: Or was it about which one came first? Winner takes all I suppose. If you weren’t already sold on the idea of Cronus VS Hera, at least we can all finally settle the age old question of whether the chicken or the egg is better. On the other side, we have the purple-poised people of Amethyst Eggs. On one side, we have the lime-clad fighters of Emerald Poultry. Now, the two are turning their dispute to you, the knights who populate Haven! Are you up to the task, or will you let their dispute rage on while you warm up with a lonely fireplace? Join the fun! Clearly Cronus will add the candy sprinkles just right, and have the better taste in entertainment. Both knights are on a mission to prove that their Game Master is clearly the obvious choice should you be looking for someone to build a gingerbread house with, or share a cup of cocoa while snuggled up next to a fire watching netflix. These two knights are followers of two of our lovely Game Masters - appropriately named Cronun-Priest and Heran-Disciple.

They are rather elusive, but they are fighters! They are warriors! And they want to rip the soul out of the other one! You see, over the past few months, we’ve had two knights appear in Haven. What better way to overcome the cold than to fuel yourself with the passion of a warrior and warm up in the heat of battle? Regardless of the situation, all of us in the northern hemisphere can agree that it’s still pretty gosh dang cold here. Greetings everyone! With Winterfest coming to a close but weather still being… Winterfesty, you all surely are looking for an excuse to stay bundled up inside, at your computer, watching the snow fall outside and not roll around in it.