Word 1 interj 1980s black teenagers An exclamation of agreement an appreciation, used when someone has said something important or profound: If it's really meaningful, "Word, man, word" should be used-New York Times 2 interj =WORD UP Black slang, though with an interesting twist: Robert Chapman & Barbara Kipfer, Dictionary of American Slang, third edition (1995) at least corroborates the idea that "Word" originated as an expression of affirmation in U.S. Let it be said of you, " Your word is your bond." When you properly reflect that for every idle word, our Saviour says we must give account, it will make you keep a strict guard over your tongue, and never allow it to speak at random. Think before you speak, then you will never have the mortification of wishing your words unsaid. Never forge a slander to disturb your neighbour's peace. Never prevaricate when you are in the wrong, but quietly submit to correction, dreading most the vengeance of God, if you deny the fault. For example, in Jane Smith, Admonitory Epistles from a Governess to Her Late Pupils (1842): The original character study "Of the Honest Man," written by Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter, appears in Characters of Virtue and Vice (1608) in the original version, Hall uses the phrase "his word is his parchment," not "his word is his bond."īeginning in the 1840s the equation of one's word with one's bond appears quite frequently. The untowardness of events may cause him to blame his want of prudence, but can never cause him to eat his promise : neither saith he, "This I saw not," but rather, " This I said." His word is his bond, and his yea his oath, which he will not violate through fear or to avoid loss. He hath but one heart, and that lies open to sight and were it not discreet, he would not even avoid a witness of his thoughts. His simple uprightness works in him that confidence, which often wrongs him, and gives advantage to the subtle and designing when he grieves more at their faithlessness than at his own credulity. He would rather complain than offend and hates sin more for the deformity of it than its danger. Justice is his first guide to which he makes expediency always subservient, altho' the latter is the second law of his actions.

He looks not to what he might do, but what he should do. The earliest instance in a Google Books search appears in Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, volume 34 (1811) : The Five Percent Nation may have popularized "Yo word is yo bond" at some point after 1964, but the same idea appears in many nineteenth-century texts. WORD TO THE MOTHER! A response of affirmation. Born is a result of the AAE pronunciation of "bond". One's word is the guarantee, the warranty, the bond, that whatever was promised will actually occur. Word is born! reaffirms strong belief in the power of the word, and thus the value of verbal commitment. Also Word!, Word up!, Word to the Mother! A resurfacing of an old familiar saying in the Black Oral Tradition, "Yo word is yo bond," which was popularized by the FIVE PERCENT NATION in its early years.

WORD IS BORN! An affirmative response to a statement or action. Also Word to the Mother! Word Up is the title of a music magazine published in New Jersey. WORD!/WORD UP! A response of affirmation.
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Geneva Smitherman, Black Talk: Words and Phrases from the Hood to the Amen Corner (1994) has a series of word-based entries in her glossary of "Black Talk," all signifying much the same thing :